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Welcome to the website of Marcus Fellowes

This is an invitation for you to take another look at what you call 'your Life' and see what's at the heart of 'all Life'
that's being overlooked.

Invitation to Life

To know Life, we need only be Life.
To be Life, we need only be what we are.
And what we are, is Life; never separate or operating independently of Life.

One cannot come to Life directly by way of thought
Thought divides Life, giving rise to subject and object.
The distance between the two is the distance we ‘think’ we must travel to resolve this division.
But, as there is no division, there is no distance, therefore, we must already be there, and there must be here.
So, Life must be this, here, now, as present experiencing…


“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.”

Søren Kierkegaard


Marcus lives a very quiet life in a small village in Hampshire UK, with his wife, and their two boys and two dogs. Family and day-to-day life are his priority. Aside from that, he enjoys countryside walks with the dogs, maintaining the house and garden, travelling, writing, giving talks and chatting with people who have an interest in exploring what's at the heart of all Life and exploring the unconscious beliefs, concepts and underlying patterns of thoughts and sensations that define our sense of self and determine our experience of Life; And see if they are consistent with Life as it is.


He doesn't see himself as a coach, teacher or mentor; instead, he sees himself as a friend and fellow lover of Life. If you resonate with what's being said here and would like to have a chat, feel free to drop him a line.

Please read the small print before getting in touch. Thank you.

small print

The chats with Marcus are not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or a substitute to, qualified medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or as a replacement for, or a substitute to, psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment, or therapy from a fully qualified person. If you think you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition, consult your doctor or other appropriately qualified professional person or service immediately.


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